-Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo had an excepcional mind, maybe, the most complex and complete one in the history. Is recognised by their paintings, the most famous ones: The Last Supper, and The Mona Lisa, this last one is really misterious, i don't know, maybe, because the experssion of her face...
It's hard to talk about all his magnum opus, but, we all know the Vitruvian Man, which reflect the anthropocentric revolution and the most perfect machine ever made: human body, Leonardo just like me could marvel from the beauty and the incredible mechanism of everything that we are made of, just like gears that spin in a precise way. Da Vinci also studied anatomy and physiology, i heard that he used to profane bodies from the cementery just to dissect them and then, draw what he saw, material with the vascular system, a fetus in the uterus and organs like the heart, cerebral ventricles and the liver (to mention a few), also Leonardo was the first in define the atherosclerosis and liver cirrhosis.
I like Leonardo's insatiable mind of knowledge, he was unique, and when i read about his work sounds like the most interesting person i'll never know. I mean, he probably could talk about everything and enjoy to know about everything at the same time. I bet he was an inspiration for a lot of people (artists, humanists, mathematicians, scientist, writer and others). Maybe, he was a man misunderstood in his time, but now, he have the appreciation he really deserve.
His legacy is endless, born on 15 April in 1452 in Italy, Da Vinci is for me, the greatest figure of the renaissance, his work embraces from maths to painting, including astronomy, botanic, anatomy, literature and a lot more areas from the arts, humanities, and science, also he was an magnificent inventor.
It's hard to talk about all his magnum opus, but, we all know the Vitruvian Man, which reflect the anthropocentric revolution and the most perfect machine ever made: human body, Leonardo just like me could marvel from the beauty and the incredible mechanism of everything that we are made of, just like gears that spin in a precise way. Da Vinci also studied anatomy and physiology, i heard that he used to profane bodies from the cementery just to dissect them and then, draw what he saw, material with the vascular system, a fetus in the uterus and organs like the heart, cerebral ventricles and the liver (to mention a few), also Leonardo was the first in define the atherosclerosis and liver cirrhosis.
And just like Leonardo said, don't be afraid to experience all the fields that you want, don't guide by the other people words, if they say that something is yellow, don't respond: ok, so it's yellow... just take a look by yourself.
I agree with you, everything you say about Da Vinci is true!