There is not exist a feeling comparable to finish a book. I remember when i was a kid my mother sometimes bought me some childish books to read like "¡Ay, Cuánto me quiero!" or "La familia guacatela", i don't think that titles like those sounds familiar to you but for me are an important part of my childhood, i remember i liked so much that i read them like a million times at least.

Well, i like a lot a movies too, but my favourite is"Kill Bill" with the beautiful and deathly blonde, Uma Thurman by the great Quentin Tarantino, who also directed Reservoir Dogs, Unglorious bastards, Pulp Fiction and other masterpieces... "The Clockwork Orange" by Stanley Kubrick is a five stars movie, Kubrick also directed The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut. I like almost every movie directed by Tim Burton, who usually work with Jhonny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter, and by the way, "The Night Before Christma"s was my favourite movie when i was a kid, i know all the songs in it.
Well, i'm going to give you just a humble advice: don't read something beacause everyone read it and don't watch a movie just because it has 5 stars on netflix, come on, like my mom say: don't judge a book by his cover.