Tuesday, 12 September 2017

The fascinating human brain

"Cogito ergo sum: i think, therefore i exist"-Descartes.
 Resultado de imagen para brain four areas
It's philosophical, but this is what makes our brain different than the other species, we know that we're existing, most of them, can't even recognize themselves in front of a mirror. It's the most complex organ in our body, the result of thousands of years of evolution and is all what you are as a person, everything that you feel through you senses, it's you: your human brain. The brain is the central organ of the nervous system, receptor, processor and response generator of all the information that we perceive. The human brain is divided in two hemispheres communicated through the corpus callosum, the left one is related to reasoning, communication and mathematical and scientific abilities, while the right one is related to creativity, imagination and artistic and music sense, and each hemisphere has the control of the hand in the other side, so when you write with you left hand you are using your right hemisphere.

Each hemisphere is divided in four lobes: in the frontal we can find the Broca's area, is where all the words you say come from, also, in this area is where your personality is contained. The parietal lobe is where all your moves come from, yes, the motor-response area. The temporal lobe is where is located your sense of audition and balance. Finally, in the occipital lobe is where your brain capture images from your eyes to process them so you can see them. It's amazing the things that an organ of 1300g can do, with millions of nerves cells doing the synapsis constantly, but, I’ve always think about the dark part of it: psychiatric diseases, the power of our brain over us is infinite, schizophrenia, depression, psychosis or psychopathy... it makes me wonder how do you know you're mad? Maybe it's nothing real, maybe it's your brain making all the work for you, I don't know, and just in case I don't want to know.


  1. Human body makes such a complex process by itself. It's great :)

  2. we realize how amazing the brain is when we think how complex the body, life, etc ...

  3. We'll never know everything about this mysterious organ

  4. the brain is the principal organ, it is very complex and unmatched

  5. There're so many unknown things about the brain, like that we don't use it at full power, what would happen if we do?
