Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Hobbies: Bugs, sax and carnivorous plants

Tell me to what you pay attention and i will tell you who you are.
-José Ortega y Gasset.

Resultado de imagen para ants helpingFor some people are totally disgusting, but when i was a kid I used to play a lot with all kind of insects like woodlice, dragon-flies, caterpillars and my favourite ones: the ants. I spent the whole day just watching them, learning how they worked in a "society", i always admire their altruism, helping each other when they were injured, amazing creatures are the ants.

Resultado de imagen para saxophoneWell, i started listening to Jazz when i was like 10 or 11 years old, i had this neighbour who had a band, and he used to play the bass, one of my favourites instruments together with saxophone and piano. When i heard the music, he put on the radio: i was listening Coltrane for the first time, and i just travelled to a peaceful place, it left me speechless, and it was indescribable. So, then, when i was 15, my family bought me an alto saxophone, it was hard to learn, but it truly worth it.

If you want to play the sax, you must learn how to control your breathing with your mouth in a correct position with the tongue bellow the entrance and play the keys at the same time with your two hands, it was totally different from flute, but it really helps to know how to play it, after all they are wind instruments.

Resultado de imagen para plantas carnivorasAnd recently i start to gardening, a friend gave me some carnivorous plant seeds and i planned to have a lot of them, then buy an artificial anthill to have an ant civilization and make them live with the plants, so they can establish a symbiotic relationship, pretty cool to me! i will feel like the kid i was once... just admiring their altruism.

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